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A lot of players are sure that online poker is dead in the USA. But it is not. Let's discuss it here.
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Special forum for good natured personal attacks.
Use this forum to discuss poker strategy, books, and those bad beats.
Want to know if you played that hand correctly? Get opinions here.
Just got handed a bad beat? Or did you put one on somebody else?
Need to find a way to keep from losing all you've won? Here's the place.
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This forum is for ring game discussions.
Played in an online cash game? Give us the results.
Played a cash game at a home or poker establishment? Give us the results.
This forum is for poker tournament discussions.
Played in an online tournament recently? Give us the results.
Played a tournament in a poker at home or in an establishment or casino? Give us the results.
The rail mafia is in the house. Post here if you're deep in an online tournament.
This is the place to publicly issue, sign up for and track poker challenges. Bring it on!
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